Yipee tomorrow i going back to my mama's house.......that mean i dun need to do housechores for 3 days lol...i have do all my housechores one short today........now i putting mikkiel in the walker and he is moving backward lol but is normal sarah also move backwards whe she starts to used the walker put him for a few minutes cos he feel boring alway lieing on the rocker or the mattress his jiejie keep wanted to push him so i am watching them carefully while i am updating...
Today wake up at 6 plus cos have to prepared and bath and feed them and bring mikkiel for his injection @ JE polyclinic...Cabbed there and slowly walk over to polyclinic and see alot of people q-ing out for fill the declaration form and follow by taking temperature...Procceed to level 2 for injection as usual take weight and height and nurse ask some same question and than injection time...Mikkiel crying but after awhile he stopped...Mikkiel now is 7.2kg and 63cm and i ask hubby to bring sarah to another room to take her height and weight 11.05kg and 85cm ok no worries as long both of them have growth not to worry than cabbed back home cos hubby have to work so didn't bring them to jp cos we reached home about 9 .30 am lol..Lately sarah is diffcult to take picture again haiz very hard to capture her cute face....Dun know what to updated but when i come back from my mama house than i think got alot of things to upload gtg bye...have a nice weekends.:)
Finding Thanks Doing the World's Most Thankless Job
Sadly, mothers are the unsung heroes of the world. No plaque is coming to congratulate you on giving birth, nor ribbons thanking you for breastfeeding. One day a year (the second Sunday of May) the nation thanks its mothers, and if you're lucky the kids remember your birthday too. The gratitude comes when your little one gets sick and amidst projectile vomit screams "I want my mommy!" Your kisses are the only magic potion that can make a scraped knee stop hurting. The "thank you" comes when, during a school play, your son bursts out a hearty "Hi mom!" instead of reciting his lines. So while you might not get a certificate of achievement, know that little by little, your efforts are making a profound impact on your children's lives. If you ever feel discouraged, just think of all the small ways they depend on and love you.
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