Saturday, April 21, 2012

His Birthday !!!!!!

today is a saturday was his birthday..
He brought 2 precious to BBQ @ East Coast Park
cos his colleagues had book a BBQ pit for a gathering & celebrating his birthday...

I was at home waiting for refrigerator to arrived..
Luckily sharmaine came over, she helping me to edit my resume and 
we watch the 再见单人床。。。。
had been a long time seeing her..
So happy that she found a new job
hoping everything for her will go smoothly =D

While watching n waiting for my fridge to arrived..
Nearly 5.30 pm my fridge still not here yet
take out the invoice and see..
notice they had write my hp number wrongly..
They tried to contact me but cannot..
Will be sending the fridge on the tuesday cos the company couldn't get the stock..
Well no choice got to wait..

Now waiting for my 2 precious and him to be home
Hardly to be alone at home cos is around 10 plus
hope 3 of them is having fun and enjoying themselves =D
Bought him a simple present was a susprise
i think he will be think he will be getting nothing this year..
Didn't bought him a cake 
thinking his colleagues will bought him one..=D

thx him for helping me doing housechores n helping me look after my 2 precious while i was sick and working =D

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